Keep Calm and Shop Small
It’s 9:22 AM....on....I believe it’s Tuesday but who child is sitting beside me asking me to watch the umpteenth YouTube video and he’s already been for a bike ride....did I mention it’s only 9:22? I’m trying to distract myself from the cancellation of several major events that make a majority of my spring and summer sales...picking Cheerios off the floor and getting play-by-plays on Minecraft is helping....
Over the last few weeks there’s been a push for people to “shop small” and it makes me incredibly guys have been supporting me with online sales and live video sales and sharing this little shop with your friends...and it honestly means the world to me. I in turn have been trying to support as many local businesses as I can right now...but that’s just the thing....I ALWAYS try to shop small and local.....I’m incredibly grateful that people are starting to see that small business owners are getting hit REALLY hard by this...I just pray that when this is all over we won’t be forgotten.
Small businesses don’t only need support in times of crisis....we are constantly being under cut by major companies, “discount” stores and chain restaurants and.....let’s face it, Amazon. I’m not saying don’t buy from these places....sometimes you absolutely have to....but just remember every time you support a local shop or restaurant or auto part store or community help actual FAMILIES...and your COMMUNITY.
I pray that you and your family are staying safe and healthy and fed with a roof over your head...because there are many people who don’t know how they are going to do that for the next few especially now when people are strapped for cash....simply sharing a business’s page or liking their post means the world.
So thank you, from the bottom of this small business owner’s heart for the support you guys have been pouring into this shop...we will get through this together 🙏🏻💙🌎