On the Edge, Fear of Failure

Boho vintage eco friendly fashion

        “I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can’t see from the center.” - Kurt Vanregult

        Is fear holding you back from pursuing what sets your soul on fire? Fear of judgement, fear of rejection or fear of FAILURE? These fears can stop even the most confident of goddesses in her tracks and cause her to doubt everything she believes in....believe me I’m right there in the thick of it.

       But I’m here to tell you there is medicine in listening to your inner voice- not the one trained by society to tell you you’ll never be good enough- the inner voice of deep intuition who already knows your desires and already knows the path to those desires. 

       So I invite you to leave the “center” of playing it safe and step to the edge, yes it’s terrifying and unpredictable but it forces you to see what cannot be seen otherwise. 

Boho vintage eco friendly fashion

Boho vintage eco friendly fashion

Boho vintage eco friendly fashion

Boho vintage eco friendly fashion

Boho vintage eco friendly fashion